Club Volunteers

The Region supports clubs and volunteers by offering as many online training and learning opportunities as possible. We have pulled together a suite of workshops that are available for you to book onto over the coming months. You can find more information about each course, seminar or workshop by opening the section. Current workshops are listed in the table below.

Please note you will need to be a member of Swim England to join our workshops.

If you are unable to attend our any of our online workshops previously due to dates, times or the workshop being full. Please register your interest and we will inform you via email when new dates become available 

For more information on our volunteer workshops, please email the Regional office.

This session is designed to share important information with Club Chairs on dealing with internal disputes, highlighting the club constitution and overall good club governance.
The sessions will include interactive breakout rooms and the chance to share good practice and ask questions. Each session will last no more than 2 hours and will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams. 

Current Dates & Booking 

The National Chairs Forum discusses a variety of topics and is an opportunity to ask questions and share best practice. To sign up to this please email:

This session is designed to share important information with Club Secretaries and Membership Officers on the expectations of the roles including dealing with communications, understanding the club constitution, Swim England Online Membership System (OMS) and the requirements around the different Swim England memberships.
The sessions will include interactive breakout rooms and the chance to share good practice and ask questions. Each session will last no more than 2 hours and will be delivered online via Microsoft Teams. 
This workshop is designed to further support experienced or new Club Welfare Officers in dealing with club issues surrounding the welfare of children in given situations. The workshop will build on knowledge already gained through attendance on both the Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Time to Listen workshops.
The workshop will include interactive breakout rooms and the chance to share good practice and ask questions. The workshop will last no more than 2 hours and will be delivered online via Zoom.

Current Dates & Booking 

The Club Financial Toolkit is a new guide which includes tips and advice on all aspects of managing income and expenditure during an ‘economically challenging time’. The 48-page booklet can be downloaded free of charge and contains case studies from a number of clubs.

Covered in the toolkit are managing club finances, employment, legal structures, tax and VAT, income and expenditure plus sponsorship and fundraising as well as additional resources and relevant links to useful information.

This session is designed to share important information with clubs on completing the required elements for accreditation.
Each session will last no more than 90 minutes and will be delivered online via Zoom. The session will give attendees an opportunity to ask questions.

Current Dates & Booking

The webinar will cover:

  • Key things to consider
  • Club Administrator area – who can do what
  • Club Personnel Record – editing, adding and removing roles
  • Downloading of the Club Personnel Record and Report

This webinar is around 60 mins long (depending on questions). The format will be a live run through of a test club’s OMS rather than a PowerPoint.

If you require this webinar please contact the Regional Office. 

As part of the Swim England approach to recruiting, training and recognising volunteers, we are encouraging clubs to adopt the volunteer coordinator model.

A volunteer coordinator is essentially the people manager of your club. They act as the main point of contact for all club volunteers and provide a key support role to clubs in the management and development of its volunteers.

They also provide a direct link with us at Swim England. This relationship allows us to work together to address and support a clubs specific volunteer needs.

Take a look at the Volunteer Coordinator role descriptor for full details on what the role involves.

Volunteer Coordinators Box file – please email the volunteering team and they will be able to give you access to lots of useful resources.

Club Personnel Report Role Descriptor Guidance – To support clubs in developing and maintaining their structure, we have created guidance on the roles available to be recorded via OMS indicating any specific training, DBS and Safeguarding requirements. Please click here to view the document.

Online Membership System Coach/Teacher User Guide 

Online Membership System Guide to managing your Club Personnel Record

Useful Club Matters Resources and Workshops:

Ensuring you are listed on the clubs OMS as a Volunteer Coordinator

To ensure we are able to contact you as your clubs Volunteer Coordinator we would encourage you to be listed on your clubs Online Membership System under the workforce area: Support Staff with your role set to Volunteer Co-Ordinator rather than under the role Vol – Other, Workforce Coordinator.

The 90 minute ‘Working Together Webinar’ aims to provide clubs with information on developing new or existing partnerships with their operators. We will explore the benefits of adopting a partnership approach, provide useful insight into working with operators, give examples of good partnership working and provide tools to help implement the process with your operators. This workshop is aimed at people in the club who are responsible for the relationships with their operators.