Safeguarding in Changing Rooms

Keep it in your locker

This week Swim England called an extra-ordinary meeting for Regional and County Welfare Officers due to a worrying and significant rise in the number of incidents of mobile phone use in changing rooms, taking indecent photos under or over changing cubicles since the start of the year. 

It is a criminal offence to take, make, distribute (send), upload and/or possess any indecent image of a child (including those taken/possessed by other under 18-year-olds). Whilst it is important that clubs, counties, and regions take a proactive approach to try and prevent these incidents, it is also vital that if such incidents occur, they are dealt with promptly and correctly and reported immediately. The below presentation includes a flow-chart of the correct response to such incidents. Reports can be made to Swim England via or

The use of mobile phones for any reason is strictly prohibited in changing rooms during Swim England regulated activities. Please may we ask that you familiarise yourselves with the correct response procedures – detailed in the attached PowerPoint, and in WavePower – as well as the guidance on proactive action to prevent or reduce risks. It is important that we impress upon all members the seriousness of this risk. We can all play a role in keeping our athletes safe.

Thank you for your support.