Club Governance

Swim England have developed a number of Good Club Governance workshops and information sessions along with useful documents and tools to support Club Officers in their roles within the club. Each workshop or session is designed to support new and existing Club Chairs, Treasurers, Secretaries, Membership Officers and Welfare Officers in dealing with challenges and the day to day running of the club. For further information including dates of the sessions please use the relevant link below;

This session is designed to share important information with Club Secretaries and Membership Officers on the expectations of the roles including dealing with communications, understanding the club constitution, Swim England Online Membership System (OMS) and the requirements around the different Swim England memberships.

This workshop is designed to further support experienced or new Club Welfare Officers in dealing with club issues surrounding the welfare of children in given situations. The workshop will build on knowledge already gained through attendance on both the Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Time to Listen workshops.

This session is designed to share important information with Club Chairs on dealing with internal disputes, highlighting the club constitution and overall good club governance.

The Club Financial Toolkit is a new guide which includes tips and advice on all aspects of managing income and expenditure during an ‘economically challenging time’. The 48-page booklet can be downloaded free of charge and contains case studies from a number of clubs.

Covered in the toolkit are managing club finances, employment, legal structures, tax and VAT, income and expenditure plus sponsorship and fundraising as well as additional resources and relevant links to useful information.

Swim England’s model club constitution for unincorporated clubs has been updated and will now become recommended for use by clubs from January 2022 onwards. The Swim England East Midland Region are asking all clubs to update to the new constitution before their 2023 SwimMark/Club Affiliation panel and to adopt the constitution at their 2023 AGM. 

Helen Weeks, Swim England club governance and standards manager, said: “It’s important that all of Swim England’s affiliated aquatics clubs have up-to-date, comprehensive and relevant constitutions in place. This model has been developed to ensure that an unincorporated club is fully aware of the correct standards of club governance and meets these criteria.”

To update to the new model constitution please click here to download the model, and fill in the sections in red. We do ask that clubs do not deviate from the model. Once you have filled in the constitution please email it to for regional approval prior to your AGM. To access guidance notes please click here.

For more information regarding affiliating a new club, please click here 

Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) are a relatively new legal structure available for charities or charitable groups that wish to be incorporated.

It is designed to offer the protection of limited liability status (normally only afforded by a charitable company) but without the burden of dual regulation associated with a charitable company.

CIOs are only regulated by the Charity Commission and they manage the application process.

Please click here for a link to the new 2023 model.

Once approved by the Charity commission please send your confirmation and constitution to 

We do not currently have any guidance notes to accompany this document, but the Charity Commission has some good information on their website and also have guidance notes on their model constitutions: