Regional Weekly Email

Regional Weekly Updates
The Regional Weekly News is sent to the following roles populated on the Club & County personnel report:
Organisation: Chairs, Secretaries & Treasurers
Organisation & all disciplines: Deputy Welfare Officers, Welfare Officers, Head Coaches, Head Teachers & Workforce Coordinators
The distribution list is updated around the 1st of each month to capture any updates members or clubs may make.
The email that is used for send out is the email ticked as main on a members Swim England profile. Members can update their details
We are aware that there may be other members who wish to receive the weekly news so we have created an additional sign up:

Key Information – Club Contacts
From time to time the Region will circulate key updates to discipline specific contacts so it is important the following roles are populated as Organisation and the disciplines the club carries out even if this is the same person, these members should also be capture within the role rather than using ‘Other’.

Competition Secretary
Workforce Coordinator
Officials Coordinator

Guidance on roles and the area of the club admin/club personnel report area can be found here: Club Personnel Report Role Descriptors